Dudockx Bar & Kitchen
Taking care of the organization, production, support, hosting & opening of the new owner & team of Dudockx Bar & Ktichen. The restaurant is in a stunning location in Hilversun, right on the water, so the opening was spectacular, including even a fly board act!
Client: Dudockx Bar & Kitchen
The Gooisch Liberation Festival in Hilversum
Celebrating freedom together! A public event. A beautiful day filled with sun, and big smiles! And more than 2000 people! Concept, production & organization together with Foodhall MOUT. An event that was organized with a whole team of people.
This event was made possible by (sponsor) entrepreneurs from Hilversum.

Daycare Center TOPPIE
Organization of a wonderful event in the afternoon and evening for Toppie’s 20th anniversary! An event that no less than 300 parents and kids attended in the afternoon, followed by 200 guests and staff in the evening. 2 themes, 2 styles, with performances, snacks & drinks adapted to each theme!
Client: Toppie
Gooisch Waterfestijn
A party of water slides, foam baths, inflatables and meter-long sliders. More than 500 children from all over the Gooi came to share in the fun!
Concept development, production and execution.
Client: Foodhall Mout, Hilversum

Hilversum Alive 2018
For the Hilversum Alive edition 2018 we won sponsoring and arranged the organization and production of a number of stages.
Client: Stichting Hilversum Alive
Wijnfestival Druif
The first, large-scale wine festival in ‘t Gooi. Eight wine merchants from Hilversum served their special wines, delicious food, live music. A new tradition has started. We look forward to seeing you back in 2019!
Client: Il Divino Wijnhandel, Hilversum

Fundraising en Lustrumparty 125 years soccerclub Victoria
Fundraising evening hosted by Tanja Kok and an interview with Kees Jansma. While enjoying a delicious dinner with exclusive wines, several objects were auctioned that had been made available free of charge by various involved Hilversum entrepreneurs. The beautiful proceeds benefited the association and the Lustrum party.
And the Lustrum party for one of the oldest football clubs in the Netherlands. A wonderful party for members and former members, young and old.
Client: Voetbalclub Victoria, Hilversum
Lakes Bar & Kitchen
How do we put Lakes on the map again as a top restaurant in Hilversum? A unique location and a unique kitchen and wine cellar. At the beginning of 2018, various events were organized with the aim to put Lakes back on the map with its potential customers.
Client: Lakes Bar and Kitchen, Hilversum

Hilvertshof Hilversum – Beautystreet
Beautystreet concept developed, produced and organized. Professional well-known make-up artists, hair stylists, stylists and vlogers have in one afternoon taken care of more than 150 girls and advised them. With the music of a DJ in the background.
Client: Kroonenberg Groep/Hilvertshof
BV Hilversum
Christmas event for ‘BV Hilversum’, an association for and by Hilversum entrepreneurs. Delicious food, drinks and networking in a special atmosphere. People went home with a nice goody bag from Santa Claus.
Client: BV Hilversum

Love Exchange Canal Pride Party Amsterdam
Afterparty on Tall Ship along the Canal Pride, where we organized a successful party with a professional team. All ingredients for an amazing party came together. Sponsoring, artists, LGBTQ, guests and production. The occasion was the documentary Love Exchange.
Client: 24Life / Sipke Jan Bousema
By addressing my network quickly, we contributed to the record yield of the annual fundraiser gala for Stichting Wereldouders in 2016. Within a very short time, I arranged various unique auction items and a free performance by pop artist Sjors van der Panne.
Client: Directie stichting Wereldouders

We organized the official opening of the catering business Mout foodhall and Bierbrouwerij in Hilversum. This leading building was festively and grandly opened in the presence of the Mayor, customers, staff and business owners. We have provided the full opening of a surprising champagne act to the personalized beer for all guests.
Client: Mout
We’ve regularly participated in the organization of events at the NPO and independently organized events, including seasonal presentations, Premiere dinners, (Kick offs) Zapp Your Planet, Zapp day at Cinekid, NPOZapp / NPO3 partie. NPO3 / Zapp meets 3FM / FunX Christmas party, with an innovative way of connecting TV and radio, which ended up being more than successful! Wonderful parties, with many lasting memories.
Client: NPO

Private party
We also provide customized (theme) parties, where everything can be taken care of. From catering to styling to DJ / artists. Our strength lies in taking the weight off of the client’s shoulders! On location or at your home we ensure that everything is arranged in detail. Surprises in the area of decoration, artists and catering are our specialty!